What Are Black Beans?
- Dense, meaty texture makes black beans popular in vegetarian dishes
- Very popular in Brazil
- Black color is actually a dark purple

Scientific name: Phaseolus Vulgaris
The Black Bean Story
Nicknamed “turtle beans,” black beans are called buul in the Mayan language and frijoles negros in Spanish. Black beans are small, oval-shaped beans with a mushroom-like, meaty flavor. Black beans, like the other common beans, are native to South and Central America.
Black beans are common in South American, Mexican, Spanish, and Caribbean dishes. While they are popular in stews, soups, and dips, they are also used in salads. They are frequently served with rice.
In the Yucatan region of Mexico, the descendents of the Maya eat a black bean dish called bul keken, which is a traditional black bean and pork soup served on Mondays. Black beans are also featured in sopa de frijoles negros cubana (Cuban black bean soup), congri (Cuban rice and beans), and in feijoada (Brazilian black bean stew).
Our favorite Black bean links:
How to Cook Beans and Peas
How to Soak Your Beans
Black Bean Recipes
Camellia Brand Black Beans